Q&A - Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, we tried to post answers to frequently asked questions from our customers.
How do I connect the module?
Connecting the Safe Online Reputation module will take no more than 20 minutes. We will send you all the necessary data by email. The connection is made by implementing the API code in the code of your site. All you have to do together with us is simple settings for the time period and notifications.
Is Safe Online Reputation suitable for my business?
Yes! SafeOnlineReputation is suitable for any type of business: online and offline. If you have an online store... We offer modules developed for integration with the most popular CMS. For offline business, we offer a convenient system for collecting reviews using unique coupons.
What if I don't have a programmer?
If you don't have a programmer, we will offer you the services of our programmer to connect the SafeOnlineReputation system.
How does the buyer get a link to the rating?
Online Business: the link is generated at the moment when you change the order status to "delivered", "sent" or to any of the latest statuses, whichis sent to the buyer after x days. The sending period of this email can be easily configured in the Personal Account.
Offline Business: The client can rate you by scanning the QR code on the coupon. SafeOnlineReputation provides coupons in electronic form.
What criteria are evaluated?
As standard, we offer 5 categories for evaluation: product, delivery, website, customer service and price. However, you can choose the criteria that are relevant to your business yourself!
How is the reliability index calculated?
The reliability index is calculated using a special algorithm developed by our specialists, which takes into account many parameters, such as: the total number of ratings, ratings for each category and other aspects.
How can I respond to a negative comment?
A negative comment is not published automatically. You have 7 days to respond to it before publication. In your personal account, you can publish a comment along with your response to it - this can be an apology, clarification or refutation on your part. If the rating is not true, you can complain about it and our managers will solve the problem together with you and the client.
What is the best way to display reviews on the site?
We recommend placing the SafeOnlineReputation widget on your site. In addition, we recommend creating a separate text page where you can say that your company collects reviews using the independent SafeOnlineReputation system. We will be happy to offer you a custom text with the necessary links. On this page, you can also place the reviews themselves in iframe format so that visitors can see the reviews directly on your site.
Where to place the widget?
We recommend placing the widget on all pages of your site - especially on the pages where the visitor makes a purchase decision. The ideal place for a widget, from our point of view, is on the side of the site, at the top of the screen - without the need to scroll. It is very important to place the widget on product pages and product categories. Some of our clients also place the widget in the shopping cart to once again convince the potential buyer of their reliability at the time of making the final decision to purchase.
What happens to the data?
All data that our system receives from you is transmitted in encrypted form and is used exclusively for the functioning of the SafeOnlineReputation module. All personal data of your clients is stored in a secure area of our servers and is not transferred to third parties. More here.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us.
We will be happy to answer all your questions regarding the work of SafeOnlineReputation.